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What is TAB?

The world’s largest business advisory & business coaching franchise system

Strategic Thought Leadership for Business Owners

TAB Franchisees provide strategic thought leadership to business owners and their leadership teams. They collaborate closely with leaders of privately-owned companies to enhance their strategic business management.

Through our unique mix of one-on-one business coaching, monthly TAB Advisory Board meetings, and a variety of strategic tools and workshops, TAB Franchisees provide the collective wisdom and motivation to help business owners improve their businesses and change their lives. All these services are delivered in a streamlined and affordable package.

Business Coaching

Advisory Boards

Strategic Tools

Peer Advisory Boards

TAB Franchisees facilitate monthly, half-day meetings with local business owners. These boards consist of 4-10 business leaders from non-competing industries. Members share insights, expertise, and diverse perspectives, providing a platform to identify goals, set action plans, and engage in mutual accountability.

Martin Munro Board-1

Business Owner and Executive Coaching

One-on-one executive coaching helps business owners and executives develop skills, meet goals, and become successful leaders. TAB Franchisees help leaders clarify their vision, prioritise goals, set long-term objectives, and gain objective insights into leadership challenges (and more).

StratPro® Leadership Transformation Program

Designed for busy leaders and their teams, StratPro® combines proven strategic tools, expertly facilitated leadership workshops, and structured follow-up sessions. This program helps leadership teams define the company's strategic goals and ensures execution and accountability through collective buy-in.

Steve, Neill and Jonathan
Edinburgh PB 2

Strategic Tools

Our Franchisees provide members with access to TAB’s proven strategic business planning tools, focusing on creating a vision for both a successful business and a fulfilling life. The Business Builder’s Blueprint™ simplifies the strategic planning process and offers a clear roadmap to achieve strategic direction and vision.

TAB Connect

TAB Connect, our exclusive online business network platform, offers a powerful knowledge exchange for business owners from diverse backgrounds in similar verticals around the world. Both members and TAB Franchise Owners can use TAB Connect to ask questions, get feedback, and collaborate with other successful leaders. 

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It’s time to start your TAB journey

Download our prospectus to find out more about being a TAB franchisee.

If you’re still interested, arrange a call with Ed to get to know each other better.

Attend the Discovery Day in Leeds to discover whether TAB is for you and if you’re right for TAB.

Start a rewarding journey of TAB business ownership, but not alone.

TAB gives me real independence, the opportunity to collaborate with great people and I’m in control of my own destiny.  At first, I thought it would simply be focussed on improving performance and business change. But, I now realise it is just as much about helping people to achieve their personal vision and improving their lives – a key driver for me.

Dave McCartney, TAB Franchisee in North and Central Leeds

I decided that a franchise was worth the investment, rather than starting by myself. I wouldn’t change my decision, I have absolutely no regrets. Every day is a learning curve; we learn from each other, and we learn from the business owners we support.

Jo Croft, TAB Franchisee in Thames Valley

I was a business owner before I came into TAB and the biggest difference is, now I’m with TAB, I’m running a business alongside a bunch of other people. I like what TAB does and the services we deliver, but the most important thing for me is the community.

David Abbott, TAB Franchisee in Thames Valley West
Buying a TAB franchise was one of my best decisions. I absolutely love helping local business owners, and the model and support I received from TAB HQ have been exceptional. Now, I get well-paid doing something that is truly enjoyable and rewarding.
James Ross, TAB Franchisee, North Chilterns

What I love about TAB is the balance between professionalism, informality, and respect. I’m encouraged to express myself and play to my strengths, knowing that the integrity of the franchise will support my activities and help me succeed. Having aspired to run my own business, working with SMEs and coaching leaders, TAB has been and continues to be, a perfect match for me.

Liam Kane, TAB Franchisee, Northumberland

It was the people that drew me to TAB. Having joined, they have not disappointed me, I have seen how proactive the TAB team and my fellow franchisees are.

Helen Mill, TAB Franchisee, Aberdeen-shire East

I decided that a franchise was worth the investment rather than starting by myself. I wouldn’t change my decision, I have absolutely no regrets. Every day is a learning curve; we learn from each other and from the business owners we support.

Jo Croft, TAB Franchisee, Thames Valley East